lunedì 16 novembre 2009


It was quite strange for my generation. Being born rocked by the sound of keyboards and synthetizers from television while our parents had Elvis and Buddy Holly from a juke-box. It's not only nostalgia that aimed to gather some artist on November 2009 under the NEO ITALO MOVEMENT, still the will and fun to try to renew this fashion to see its potential in the hands of people used to indie culture and free download. Expecially after having seen some succesful attempt in te recent past by projects like Tommy February6 and Sally Saphiro.

That's why I hope to collect some songs from friends and musicians under a Neo Italo Vol.1 some kind of compilation through this project. All you have to do is contact me or follow this project and follow this simple rules on the attempt to write and submit your next neo italo hit.


1: Songs has to be in English

2: Lyrics has to deal with love applied to:
a) The Future
b) Celtic World
c) Russia
d) Japan
e) USA
f) Nightlife

Above all: lyrics are not required to make sense

3: Rithm has to be at a normal speed with a binary structure made by a "clap" and a "boom" in a 4/4 structure, where bass has to play a different note for each 1/4 each movement.

4: Melody and vocals has to play as a single instrument.

5: Artists has to be related to a female italian name or a reference from a classic book or tale.

Hope we'll have fun!

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